Only, by the time we came home, it was no longer Project Unnamed. It was Project: Risk Love.
Driving through the mountain passes of northern Washington, inspired by the view, the scenery, and the air [I guess?], God sent inspired brilliance. It was so incredibly refreshing, for this piece has been a lot about working through creativity rather than walking in it steadily. I think that God sends us through times like these - times that we have to push through getting something together - so that we will remember it is He who equips. We can have talent by the bucketloads and still not touch people's hearts. He is the one who sends the connection points of true visual communication.
Anyway, not only did we suddenly had a name, we had truly, the heart of what this piece is going to be about.
What does it mean to Risk Love?
Well, I guess you'll have to wait to find out.
Oh, and one final note: If you ever get stuck in the "uninspired" rut of project creation, Jocelyn and I both h.e.a.r.t.i.l.y. recommend a day trip which requires you to drive many hours during sunrise to sunset, and praise and worship music to enjoy the scenery by. Really - I give it my whole hearted endorsement! ;-)
Thanks for your prayers friends! Here's to all the Philanthropic Artists trying to make a difference in their world.