In 2005, Kenya’s AIDs orphans alone totaled more than 10 million. The orphan community of Nairobi comprises nearly 2 million of the cities entire population of 30 million and roughly 500,000 are orphans living on the streets. These orphans come from a variety of backgrounds including AIDs, desertion, and rebel killings.
The crisis of the Kenyan orphans has reached a high in recent years, and is expected to increase by the year 2010. While aid from Samaritans’ Purse, Persecution Project, and Mercy Corps contributes, by 2010, AIDs is expected to be the cause of nearly 2/3rds of the entire orphan population.
In an effort to squelch the rise of destitute and unprotected orphans, local Kenyan believers throughout Nairobi began orphanages to provide for those living on the street. Dozens of orphanages in Nairobi are aiming to care and provide for these orphans – most under the age of 15 years. Not only do these orphanages provide basic needs for the upbringing of these children, but also they seek to provide education, the opening of future opportunities and the love of Christ.
The next generations of Kenyans are being wiped out by poverty, disease, malnutrition, exposure to the elements, and exploitation. Unless significant change is made in the current condition, the next generation of Kenyans will not survive.
Orphanages in Nairobi are in need of support from their fellow believers around the world. Potential support can be given through the provision of necessities including nutritional and educational needs either by direct or fiscal donations; support can also be given by Christians giving of their own time through volunteering, either with office work in the States, or a short term or extended stay at the orphanage itself. The methods of support are insignificant, but what is important is that young people who desire to be Jesus hands and feet give love and attention to these orphans and the organizations that serve them.
Greater support for the Nairobi orphan condition has the potential to save the next generation of Kenyans. As Christian believers rescue these beautiful orphans from the fires of poverty and exploitation, we anticipate that they will grow and be raised up in the love of God, resulting in a revival throughout the entire nation of Kenya.
The crisis of the Kenyan orphans has reached a high in recent years, and is expected to increase by the year 2010. While aid from Samaritans’ Purse, Persecution Project, and Mercy Corps contributes, by 2010, AIDs is expected to be the cause of nearly 2/3rds of the entire orphan population.
In an effort to squelch the rise of destitute and unprotected orphans, local Kenyan believers throughout Nairobi began orphanages to provide for those living on the street. Dozens of orphanages in Nairobi are aiming to care and provide for these orphans – most under the age of 15 years. Not only do these orphanages provide basic needs for the upbringing of these children, but also they seek to provide education, the opening of future opportunities and the love of Christ.
The next generations of Kenyans are being wiped out by poverty, disease, malnutrition, exposure to the elements, and exploitation. Unless significant change is made in the current condition, the next generation of Kenyans will not survive.
Orphanages in Nairobi are in need of support from their fellow believers around the world. Potential support can be given through the provision of necessities including nutritional and educational needs either by direct or fiscal donations; support can also be given by Christians giving of their own time through volunteering, either with office work in the States, or a short term or extended stay at the orphanage itself. The methods of support are insignificant, but what is important is that young people who desire to be Jesus hands and feet give love and attention to these orphans and the organizations that serve them.
Greater support for the Nairobi orphan condition has the potential to save the next generation of Kenyans. As Christian believers rescue these beautiful orphans from the fires of poverty and exploitation, we anticipate that they will grow and be raised up in the love of God, resulting in a revival throughout the entire nation of Kenya.