Strawberry hit the suburbs.
Strawberry is one of the guys we’ve been hanging out with at Transitional Youth. It’s not his real name but it’s the one that’s stuck. It has nothing to do with jam but everything to do with the Beatles.
Christina has been the one who has been able to connect the most with Strawberry. They come from opposite ends of life’s spectrum but both have found a friend in the other. It’s one of the coolest things that has happened during this trip.
She invited Strawberry to go to the Starfield concert with the group. The crowd was made up of strutting preps, jocks, little emo children in their tight jeans, cool twenty-somethings and everyone in between. A swirling mish-mash of cliques, genres and styles from the suburbs collided in the room. Strawberry was one of a kind with his thick black boots, fedora and dark eyeliner.
It was obvious that Strawberry was a little skeptical about the concert when he walked in. He didn’t fit into any of the sub-groups but Christina stayed by him, coaxing him into enjoying the concert and joining in the worship. He even bought a band shirt at the end of the night.
Strawberry’s story isn’t over yet. It’s going to be amazing to see where he is in a year or two. Pray that God would keep putting dynamic Christians into his life to love him and show him Jesus.
Image Copyright Christina Dickson, 2008.