It has been a month since the last Revolutionary Media team members parted ways outside the Portland Airport. Since then, there has been a great deal of activity and struggle as our team adjusts back to every day life and continues to develop the mission of Revolutionary Media. Team members have gone back home but their hearts are still with the people they met during the project. In many respects, the project isn't over.
During the month of May, Jocelyn Edlin completed the organizing of the team's book, "Dear World". The book files have been sent off to Aaron Dodson for the completion of graphics and compositing. Caitlin Muir continues developing the script for our "Burnside Underground" docu-drama. And on the business front, I (Christina Dickson) have been searching for the perfect post studio that will partner with the Revolutionary Media team's vision for the long term.
Think that's all? Not a chance. There is an insane amount of work that's going into building the most visionary production group you've never heard of. Alongside these tasks, our team has been giving trip presentations, writing business plans, developing financial projections, and researching legal advice on how to set up our non-profit and business for maximum impact. We've also been setting up fundraiser projects for Burnside Underground post-production studio fees. Some products we hope to release this summer include Burnside Underground wristbands, calendars, t-shirts and posters.
Revolutionary Media has made plans to lay a solid foundation for upcoming projects and business. Our goal is to create impacting media of incredible artistic quality, and this takes time. We aren't interested in just making media. We want to make media that lingers and changes lives. The release of our first book, DVD, and promotional is tentatively planned for late fall. We appreciate all the prayers and support that each of our fans have given as we seek to see this project through.
In the months to follow, be sure to remember Burnside Underground. Don’t forget the stories from the streets that you’ve already heard. Don’t forget the lives you’ve caught a glimpse of. Don’t forget the people you may pass on the street.
Don't forget about Revolutionary Media.
Remember that we are the writers who help you know the words of the voiceless. Remember that we are the videographers who inspire you to reach out to the poor and friendless neighbors of your street. Remember that we are the photographers who give your eyes vision of hope for the lost.
Remember Revolutionary Media; the philanthropic artists you've never heard of.