Revolutionary Media is proud to present A Rescue the Beauty Creative Sponsorship
Project Thailand: Restoring Grace
While the completion of Dear World is nearing, Revolutionary Media is once again picking up momentum for changing the world!
Inspired by the vision of a passionate photographer, Revolutionary Media is honored to sponsor Restoring Grace, a Rescue the Beauty Project in Thailand.
Hannah Brandau and Sarah Danaher are embarking on a dangerous quest into Thailand to document in book form the transforming work of Christ by one of the forerunners of sex-slave champions.
Child prostitution.
Sexual slavery.
Complete physical and emotional degradation.
It's not a thing of the past. In fact, in many places, it's a thriving, rampant industry. Take a trip to Bangkok, Thailand. In Thailand, this industry is a way of life, a cancer that is so widespread that it seems almost insurmountable to counteract. But a light shines in the darkness. A home called House of Grace exists for the sole purpose of rescuing girls out of prostitution and giving them a new beginning. Love and tender care is poured into them, and the faithfulness and grace of God is restoring them.
We need to be made aware. Not only of the problem, but of the incredible story of hope. And that is what this whole project is about. Revealing a ray of hope that is piercing through the pain and destruction and giving testimony to an awesome, redemptive God. Look into these girls eyes. Hear their stories and recognize the miracles that are occurring each and every day in their lives. Catch a glimpse of the face of God in the girls of Thailand.
Revolutionary Media has taken on creative sponsorship of this project. What does this mean? The Revolutionary Media team members will offer logistical, creative, and spiritual support on as many fronts as we can allow. Project organization. Graphics. Marketing. We can’t go with them to Thailand, but we can and will help them from home. Together we hope this Rescue the Beauty project will inform, inspire, and challenge people every where to confront the difficult and heartbreaking issues of our times.
Want to help? Subscribe to the project blog [at where Hannah and Sarah will be updating us about their adventures and what God is doing. Join their support network. Pray. Donate if you can. Send emails of encouragement. As these two girls dare to live on the edge of faith, let’s all support them as much as we can.
Here’s a need. Will you help be the change?
Revolutionary Media