General assumption is that most works of art do not meet the same value as the asking price, or if the opposite is true, that art is not integral to survival and therefore, appreciated but unnecessary.
I dare say that art is indeed integral to our survival.
Painters of old were not simply interested in self expression, they strove for the inspiration of society. Minstrels and their ballads were said to have been the pastors of the working people.
Isn't it true that when the human soul is most worn and weary, retreat and solace is found in beauty? A quiet afternoon at the coast. A step into the peaceful world reflected in a Thomas Kinkade. A three minute Etude or Psalm. A photograph of lands far off.
Art is the study of the creation of beauty. This is important because art has the power to bring a piece of solace and calm to our every day life.
The philanthropic artists of Revolutionary Media are attempting to increase the intrinsic value of art through social change.
When we discover a world changing non profit, we donate all the time, effort, and energy for it's creation. Our long term desire is that others will be inspired by our art and support it's message in whatever way they can.
Tonight marks the very first Art Campaign of Revolutionary Media. Hundreds of hours, dozens of late nights, multiple intense discussions, and exhaustive energy was expelled for the creation of this piece. Why? Because we believe that art is integral to our survival. We believe that if our audience can find a piece of inspirational beauty in our artwork, there is a chance that we can band together and affect some real change.
This is heart of Revolutionary Media. Producing Multimedia. Generating Social Media. Affecting Social Change.
With this piece we hope that other artists will be inspired to take the plunge into philanthropy with their talents and abilities. With this piece we hope that any individual of society will be inspired to support this world changing non profit.
With this piece, we hope that everyone will be inspired to never put a price tag on touching another life.
Maybe it will be a sacrifice. Maybe it will affect us for a week or two.
But we promise you, the world will be affected for the good.
And in the end, isn't that what matters most?
[Wanna create Ashes to Beauty? Check back on Monday, June 22 at 6pm-12am pacific time to be a part of the first RevMedia Art Campaign!]
Aahhh! One hour and counting! =)!!!