Artistic World Changers are visionaries. They know what they want to go after and most of the time - they do it. But then, the vision wanes. The tasks grow longer. The excitement grows dim. And then, quite suddenly, it's possible to feel as though there is no point being at that place.
Endurance during this time is really challenging. It may seem like the vision will never be finished. It may seem like the work is in vain. But when the World Changer is here, the rubber meets the road. The World Changer must discover that sometimes, it takes a number of small, continuous steps in order for the vision and action to merge and become refined.
I've been learning the last few weeks that a great deal many of the journeys on the path to World Changing really are about the steps - not the end destination. It may sound cliche'd, but I truly believe that now. The story of vision merging with action - that is what creates tension, builds crescendos, and ultimately inspires the change we promote.
What does your vision look like today? And how is it matching your actions? Is it sustainable for the long haul?