- Anonymous Street Person, excerpted from Dear World.
It's a common fact among the church. Many of us have lost our flavor. We do not represent our Lord as we ought. Our desires for a life of ease, comfort, and stability often overcome the intensity of our call.
How tragic that many of the homeless are on the street because they have lost faith in the church.
Despite the plethora of ministries that the church may offer to the homeless - soup kitchens, assistance programs, food banks, etc. how interesting it is that the homeless evaluate the church - not based on it's service - but by it's faith; Faith that is rooted and grounded unshakably in the Truth of God's Word.
Of course, we cannot place entire blame on the church. Personal responsibility is required no matter the circumstances of our lives. But in the last few years, from the church has come a great deal of abuse, scandal, judgement; why then are we surprised when those who are struggling shrug off any help from such a source?
It is possible to reverse this issue. To restore faith in the church, by the church restoring it's unrelenting faith in God.
And to this end, Dear World may help you answer the question: "How can the church affect homelessness?"
You can read about it yourself at midnight on Saturday, March 13th, 2010, in the digital campaign and gift release of Dear World on the 2 year anniversary of this Revolutionary Media project.
Be a part of a revolution to affect the homeless through the hands and feet of Jesus.
See the Need. Be the Change.