It starts out with me.
It extends to me touching another life.
It continues when the life that I touched reaches another life too.
And it expands when other lives see the deep and artistic stories that come out of those experiences.
When we first arrived in Quito, there was a group of people from the church here waiting to help us get settled in. They picked us up from the airport. When I approached the group, dragging my suitcase and huge equipment duffel, a boy looked at me, smiled, and asked if he could help me. I let him drag my equipment bag.
Little did I know that this boy - Santiago, or San - loves multimedia. I didn't know that he is going to school for multimedia in October. I didn't know that he would be such a fabulous photographer. I didn't know that he'd become such a dear friend. Santiago has watched, has inquired, has been inspired by Laura and I working on our Global Encounters promo. He's held our equipment, shot with our camera's, and read through our script. He's so excited to go into multimedia.
The coolest part about this? That God threw Santiago into our path so that we could show him what it is to pursue multimedia for the glory of God. Tomorrow, Laura and I are going to begin our interview filming for the promotional piece. Santiago is going to help us, and see how exactly we do what we do.
We covet your prayers...that tomorrow would be an inspired and anointed day of filming. By the hand and blessing of Jesus, this promo won't be simply a promo. It will be a piece of art and an amazing message for the glory of God.